Ready for your Business

Promoting sustainable, inclusive, and balanced economic growth in Cape Verde by mobilizing quality investments and boosting exports of goods and services to enhance the quality of life for Cape Verdeans in terms of employment, opportunities, and social mobility.

One Stop Shop

One-Stop Investment Desk for investor support, providing the necessary services for project approval

After Care

Investor support services after obtaining the Investment Registration Certificate and implementing the investment project

International Business Center

Cabo Verde's geostrategic positioning, economic development, and increasing internationalization framework for the Cape Verdean economy suggest the implementation of an International Business Center. This center would contribute to the emergence of new industrial, commercial, and service activities as catalysts for international trade in Cabo Verde, as long as they are permitted by Cabo Verdean legislation.

Decree-Law No. 57/2017 of December 6, which creates and regulates the Cabo Verde International Business Center - CIN-CV, defines the rules for the installation and operation of economic operators carrying out their respective economic activities, as well as the tax and customs regime they have access to under the CIN-CV.


Newsletter featuring approved project volumes and export data for the year 2022

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The mission of the ASF is to contribute to the economic development and social progress of its African member states by facilitating, through its various intervention techniques, access to the financial resources necessary for the realization of investment and other income generating activities.


8:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Monday to Friday

Sede - Praia, CABO VERDE
Rotunda da Cruz de Papa, 5 C.p. 89-C Achada Santo Antonio 
Phone: (+238) 2604110/11